The filter button in the call reporting allows you search for calls that match your certain criteria.
This article will explain what each option in the filter is used for.
Date Range
The Date Range option allows you to filter calls for a specific time period. Static time periods are available such as Today, Previous Month, etc. However, you can also set it to Custom and set any date range you'd like.
Call Duration
The Call Duration filter has options to filter calls based on the length of the call. After selecting from the option you'd like you may need to provide additional details. For example, if you select Shorter than (<) you will need to provide the duration (in minutes) for the desired call duration. You can also get into the nitty gritty by using decimals; e.g. if Shorter than (<) is set to 0.5, it will show all calls less than 30 seconds long.
Inbound / Outbound:
This option simply allows you to filter calls based on their call direction, inbound calls to your business, or outbound calls made by your agents.
Call Origin
Call Origin is used to filter specific calls based on which platform they were initiated on or answered from. For example if you only wanted to see calls from Call Tracking sources, you would select CallTracking. Multiple origins can be selected by using ctrl and/or shift.
Common Uses:
- Call Tracking: Displays calls inbound to Call Tracking destinations that are set in Settings > Numbers.
- Click to Call: Calls that are initiated from a CRM where the agent used the Click to Call feature.
- TotalTrack: Calls that are being monitored by TotalCX's on-site server that is tapping into the on-site PBX.
- Phone System: Calls that are inbound/outbound from TotalCX's Hosted Services PBX platform, including the TotalCX Mobile app.
The Campaigns field is used to find calls based on the names given to call tracking campaigns in Settings > Numbers. A name must be configured for it to appear correctly in the filter rules. Multiple Campaigns can be selected by using ctrl and/or shift.
You can also filter calls by specific agent(s). Agents are created and maintained in Settings > Agents. Multiple agents can be selected by using ctrl and/or shift.
You can also filter calls based off of an entire department, e.g. you could see only calls pertaining to the Sales, or Service departments. You can also set up customized departments or teams in Settings > Agents. Multiple Departments can be selected by using ctrl and/or shift.
Check the Unmatched box to find calls that may have not matched to the correct agent.
Customer Details
Search calls based on the name or number of the caller/callee. The name would need to be visible in the Name column of the Call Details.
The Phone Number field must be a complete number without punctuation to be a valid search.
Key Words
If your account has the Keyword Analytics feature enabled, you can search calls based on which automatic keywords were heard on the call. Keywords are set up in Settings > Alerts > Keywords.
Unique Callers
Displays calls inbound and outbound who have only called or been called once.
First Time Callers
Displays callers where it was their first time calling this account.
Flagged Call
Displays calls that have been flagged by another user on the system.
Call Has Notes
Displays calls that have notes entered by another user on the system
Call Has Transcription
Displays calls where a call transcription is available (call transcription feature must be enabled on the account).
Alert Sent
Displays calls where an alert was sent to a user on the system.
Listened / Not Listened
Displays calls that have been listened to or not listened to by any user on the system.
You can now take your filtering skills over to the article How To: Set Up Reporting, and start creating an automated report for calls in the system!